MEV-1 Virus

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Molecular Biology The molecular biology of Contagion was fairly accurate in terms of the physical descriptions of the MEV-1. For example, the virus was pleomorphic and tended to be ovoid in shape, 20:23. Pleomorphic in shape meant that that the progeny virus could evolve to have different shapes to meet the environmental demands (Beck et al., 1982). There are viruses like this such as the Enteric Coronavirus which is primarily found in Arizona and other hot, dry climates like the Middle East (Beck et al., 1982). Enteric coronavirus causes gastroenteritis and can be found year round in stool unlike Rotavirus that normally is found in the months of winter (Beck et al., 1982). From experience, Phoenix, Arizona can be as cold as 17 ◦F and as hot…show more content…
Ian Sussman (Elliott Gould) describes MEV-1 as typical for a Paramyxovirus. Dr. Sussman says that the MEV-1 virus is 15-19 kb in length with 6-10 genes which is typical of a paramyxovirus, 21:44. In truth, Dr. Sussman accurately describes paramyxoviruses (Collins, 2009). It is likely that MEV-1 is a type of paramyxovirus because paramyxoviruses infect bats (Breed, 2007). Bats are the viral hosts of paramyxoviruses as well in real life (Breed, 2007). Also the replication of Paramyxovirus in bats is in the respiratory tract (Breed, 2007). Comparing MEV-1 to a paramyxovirus was realistic as well because there is an accurate description of…show more content…
In the movie, there was limited opportunity and time to have human trials. In 1796, Edward Jenner tested the vaccine for smallpox similarly to the CDC researcher in Contagion, 1:15:41. The CDC researcher even mentions the smallpox vaccination event to her ailing father with the infection who is also a doctor, 1:19:40. Jenner isolated cowpox from dairy maids and used cowpox as a vaccine for smallpox (Smallpox, 2011). He first vaccinated a child from his neighborhood and then exposed that child to smallpox (Smallpox, 2011). Once seeing that the child did not contract smallpox, Jenner tested the vaccine on his own son (Smallpox, 2011). Instead of testing the vaccine on a child, a monkey was used in the movie. However, the second person to test the vaccine was a human, either Jenner’s son or the main scientist in the movie. Contagion depicted what researchers may do in a situation where there is no time to test a vaccine. We will not know for sure what may happen if something like MEV-1 kills thousandths a day because the last time humanity experienced that was during the Bubonic

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