Water Fluoridation: Water Fraud

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Baily Murphy 27 Analytical Paper Water Fluoridation “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time,” -Dr. Robert Carton, former US Environmental Protection Agency worker (Groves, 2001). The food you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe is contaminated with a toxic amount of sodium fluoride that is placed in the public water supply by the U.S. government (Murphy, 2008, p. 22). Doctors prescribe fluoride supplements to you and your children, because it is known to prevent cavities. Fluoride enters your body every single day, but it never exits. It accumulates in your bones and will most likely be related to the cause of your death (Sauerheber, 2011). The promoters…show more content…
One of the most common uses for fluoride was in the form of rat poison. Fluoride is the main ingredient in rodenticides, insecticides, and in wood preservatives due to the fact that it inhibits all forms of life (Murphy, 2008, p. 8). Fluorine spontaneously combusts when it is exposed to the air and is a key ingredient in rocket propulsion, developed by the Germans between the great wars to help “lift off” the space shuttles (Murphy, 2008, p. 8). Major George Racey Jordan, a member of the U.S. Air force and veteran of both world wars, said in a speech delivered at the Thirtieth Women’s Patriotic Conference on National Defense in Washington, DC, February 1956, “During the war I learned how the Soviets used fluorides in the drinking water of Siberian prison camps to weaken the minds of their prisoners, to make them dull, cow like and more resigned to their slavery,” (Murphy, 2008, p. 251). The United States army’s chief of the Manhattan Project, General Leslie C. Groves, said that fluoride was essential in creating the atomic bomb (Bryson, 2004, p. 46). It was used to pull electrons off of Uranium to make it unstable, going from U238 to U235 (Murphy, 2008, p. 8). However, the staff of the Manhattan Project could not escape the toxicity of fluoride, and neither could neighboring communities. Farmers complained that “something is burning up the peach crops around here” and of poultry mysteriously dying after thunderstorms, of fields strewn with dead cattle, and of vomiting all night after eating produce they had picked (Bryson, 2004, p. 70). Thus was born General Groves’ biggest problem, which resulted in a solution that would soon become our biggest

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