Zika Virus Research Paper

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The Zika virus is a well-known virus that is transmitted by infected mosquitos to humans. This occurs when an infected mosquito bites a person. The Zika virus has affected many countries and many people. I will explain where this viral infection came from, how it affects people, how it is transmitted, the signs and symptoms, the countries most affected and what we could do to prevent an epidemic in the United States. First, the discovery of the Zika virus was found in the year 1947. Scientists from the Yellow Fever Research Institute of Uganda were in the country of Africa looking for yellow fever inside the Zika forest. The reason they called this forest “Zika” that in the language of Luganda, Zika means, “overgrown,” as in an overgrown forest. The scientists took an uninfected monkey and placed it into a cage. The scientists then decided to place the monkey into the Zika forest so that the monkey could contract a fever. Once the monkey contracted many samples of the virus, the scientists removed those serum samples separated it…show more content…
As of today, there have been many reports of the virus in countries such as Columbia, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Mexico, Venezuela, Haiti and even the United States had 424 symptomatic Zika virus cases per the CDC. The Zika virus has affected all of these countries but it has affected Brazil tremendously. In 2016, the World Health Organization declared a global emergency in Brazil because mosquitos carrying the Zika virus had infected 1.5 million people. The virus has affected so many people in Brazil, which more and more babies were being born with the birth defect Microcephaly as I mentioned earlier. More than 4,100 babies have been diagnosed with this condition. There have also been reports in Brazil where doctors have seen a very rare syndrome called the Guillain-Barre, which could eventually lead to

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