Locavore Research Paper

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A.P. Language and Composition 11.21.2012 LOCAVORES Eating locally grown or produced products is growing in popularity, and has become very widespread in the last decade. The people who have decided to live and eat this way are now known as locavores. There are many given reasons for communities’ adaptation of locavorism, be it; it helps support local economy and farms, the food is better, or the pollution and damaging effects are a lot less. However, no matter what side is taken there are always some shadows to accompany the light. “A dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy. When businesses are not owned locally, money leaves the community at every transaction.” (Source A) The source that got their information…show more content…
A lot of locavores would say, “Buy local, shrink the distance food travels, save the planet.” (Source C) It only makes sense that the less distance traveled the less pollution. However, there is so much more you have to account for. In fact, Rich Pirog, of the Leopold Center for sustainable Agriculture, stated that transportation isn’t that big of a problem. He said it only accounts for eleven percent of the carbon footprint. Most of the energy required to produce food happens in the consumer’s kitchen. He made it very apparent that it’s not all about the distance, and that it is fact that distance has very little to do with it. If one did put the distance into account however, one would have to look at the mathematical factual side of things. “a shipper sending a truck with 2000 apples over 2000 miles would consume the same amount of fuel per apple as a local farmer who takes a pickup 50 miles to sell 50 apples…” (Source C) They have the exact same relative effect on the earth, and that’s fact. Being a locavore doesn’t do all the good it is said to. It also however, doesn’t do any wrong. Being a locavore may be one of the most ineffective idea’s there has been. It has little affect to any aspect of life. To support locavorism is all up to personal preference. While you support your local community, you also hurt other communities. It can’t be all good. There are always shadows to accompany the

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