Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers

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The Convenient True of Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers Convenience comes with a price such as stopping to get gas and buying a bag of chips or soda that tends to be a little more than at the grocery store, or going to eat at fast food buying a quick meal while ignoring the contents of the food and ignoring a person’s health. The convenience of disposable diapers also comes at a price such as; environmental risks, American farmers lose jobs, serious health problems for babies and toddlers, and decrease in confidence and self-esteem for children who are entering preschool and kindergarten. Disposable Diapers are the number two problem in landfills here in the United States1. People here in America live for convenience and it shows in our garbage. As a whole, America disposes human feces in the landfills, instead of in the sewage system in which it was designed for. Birds, rodents, and other scavenger like animals feast on the garbage in the landfill daily, including feces in disposable diapers. As a result the scavenger animals carry the potential diseases with them each time they eliminate their bodily waste into public parks, water, and neighborhoods. Because of its high demand, disposable diapers take more energy to produce, more materials to package, and gas to transport than cloth diapers. Cloth diapers are an environmentally friendly and recyclable. Cloth diapers have been used for years in it’s many versatile way such as burp cloth, dust rag, and car buffer just to name a few. Cloth diapers are more cost efficient in the long run. Four dozen cloth diapers cost between $60.00 and $250.00, and can last through the duration of the baby or toddlers diaper experience. The only extra cost is the laundry detergent, bleach, and two extra loads a laundry a week. For those who choose to diaper service, below in figure 1 shows weekly

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