The Greek Mediterranean Diet And Influence On Nz

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The Greek Mediterranean diet The Greek diet is reputed as one of the healthiest in the world. The Greek diet has had many influences through time, both ancient and more recent, and has since become what it is today through these influences. It shares characteristics with surrounding countries. The diet is based around a variety of colourful and flavourful foods, and emphasises consumption of vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants and peas, fruits such as Olives and Oranges, Whole grains, lentils, nuts, fish and some meat such as sheep and pork. This all adds up to make it a balanced food approach, which practically banishes carbohydrates almost entirely and a low animal fat approach. It’s an approachable and palatable plan for healthy eating, and subsequently Greece’s life expectancy is one of the highest in the world. The Greek Mediterranean diet contains many major healing and preventing foods that are eaten on a daily basis, e.g. Yoghurt and prunes to help aid digestion, Sardines and mackerel with omega 3 fat acids, tomatoes with lycopen which helps to fight cancer, and Olive oil that lowers cholesterol and prevents cancer, stomach ulcers and gall bladder issues. The Greek diet is a mix of many different factors. Instead of meat, the main source of protein is that of beans e.g. chick beans and lentils. They eat seasonal foods, made at home from scratch, with fresh local produce, sourced from the markets at which a majority of the Greek population still use to do their food shopping daily. It’s healthy, clean eating generally – Food without preservatives or additives, nothing fancy, no sauces or marinades but high quality locally produced ingredients. Health issues such as diabetes, obesity and heart conditions in the body are all contributing factors to declining health within many countries, however all of these common conditions are rare when you purposely

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