Living the Cadet Creed

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How Can Living the Cadet Creed Benefit Me? The Cadet Creed can benefit anyone who lives by the creed. By doing this you can get more respect, more responsibility, and become a better citizen. I believe that everyone in JROTC should live by this creed. This is because not everyone in JROTC understands the creed or is just taking the class for an easy “A”. JROTC is a lot more work than going in and wearing a uniform and expecting an “A”. Cadets actually have to work hard to show that they can lead a group of people and live by the Cadet Creed Cadets can get more respect by living by this creed. By not cheating, lying or stealing, cadets can get more respect because people will be able to trust the cadet more. In addition, when cadets conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to their family, country, school and Corp of Cadets, they can ensure their respect as they have gained it by showing they have earned it. Therefore, by living by the creed, you have the benefit of gaining more respect. Cadets can get more responsibility by living by this creed. By practicing good citizenship, Cadets show fellow Americans that they can be responsible for their actions and deeds. Cadets must show they are responsible or they might not get the job that they want or get to go to the college that was there dream school. By showing fellow Americans that you can be responsible, you get the stuff that you want because people will think highly of you. Therefore, living by the creed, you have the benefit of gaining more responsibility. Cadets can show they are a better citizen by living by this creed. By not lying, stealing, or cheating, cadets have the ability to become a model citizen. Cadets can also become a better citizen by improving your mind and strengthening their body. This shows that a Cadet knows what they are doing and keeping their self-safe. By living by the

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