Law, Statutory Instruments.

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Lucy Ratcliffe Law Assignment: Delegated Legislations: Statutory Instruments. A statutory instrument is a reference to rules and regulations made by Government Ministers acting under the delegated power given to them or their department in a broadly drafted parent or enabling act concerning their area of responsibility e.g. health, transport and education etc... They are also known as secondary or subordinate legislation, they make detailed provisions statutory instruments are normally drafted in the legal department. There are approximately 3,000 statutory instruments brought into force each year. A good example is statutory 2695 in 2003 the mobile phone ban while driving, this was supported by the Road Traffic act 1988. This statutory instrument would of been put forward by the ministers of transport although the secretary of state may make regulations generally as to the use of auto vehicles and trailers. If the statutory instrument is levying a tax Unreasonable Retrospective Language is unclear. Then Parliament would review the Statutory instrument and find solutions for the problems or withdraw the Statutory Instrument altogether. There are however some disadvantages to delegated legislations as there is to everything. I have picked two of the disadvantages to explain about in my essay the first one is volume; the large volume of delegated legislation produced every year, which can be up to 3,000 each year, means that is it very difficult for Members of Parliament and the General Public to keep up to date with the present law. This is because the fact that delegate legislations are made in private, unlike Acts of Parliament which are made following public debates in Parliament. My second disadvantage is Democratic Accountability, the main criticism of this is that it takes law making away from the democratically
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