Interpersonal Communication Journal

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Erika D’Avignon journal 7 I have three small children. They are awesome I couldn’t live without them. It am thankful they are in my life each and every day. I am so blessed in so many different ways its had to count. Don’t get me wrong there are times I can almost feel my hair turning grey. Then I want to pull it out. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Since I have so many things that require my attention I have to pay close attention to what is going on around me and make sure I am paying attention to everyone equally. This relates to the concept of listening which is the process that consist of hearing, attending understanding, responding, and remembering an aural message. (pg. 219) As you can imagine I put up with lots of crying and complaining.…show more content…
I really like my job and the people I work with. I even really like my boss. He allowed me two weeks off when I first started to go see my sister when she was sick. He also allowed me to work while I was pregnant and gave me enough time off after I had then baby. I have gotten one raise since I have worked there. I am ready for another one. Yesterday we had a meeting. My boss was discussing the things that people needed to do in order to get more hours. It was also explained that he watches and people who go above and beyond were going to be getting raises. Showing up early, staying late, and working on your days off are all signs of a committed employee. I was paying close attention because I want a raise and need the extra money. This relates to the concept of mindful listening which means giving careful and thoughtful attention and responses to the messages we receive. (pg.220) I assume from now on I will be working on being early to work and making sure that I try to go above and beyond so I can move up at work and start making better money. This relates to the concept of understanding which occurs when sense is made of a message. (pg.222) Each and every day I plan to tell myself raise as soon as I get up. I hope this will keep what I need to be doing fresh in my mind. This relates to the concept of remembering which is the ability to recall information is. (pg.…show more content…
I feel so bad for her. I can tell that she is always sad even if she doesn’t say so. I don’t really know what to do for her. I can’t change it or bring back yesterday. I just let her know that if she wants to talk to me then I am here for her. I also let her know it is normal to be sad and and I would be bent out of shape too. It’s not an easy thing to forget but you just have to try and get though the next day and if you can do that each day then you will be okay, you just have to breathe. This relates to the concept of supporting which is a listening response that demonstrates solidarity with a speaker’s situation (pg.

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