Individual Cultural Differences

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Individual Cultural Differences Paper Marie Luna COM/360 March 12, 2012 John Greulich Individual Cultural Differences Paper People may or may not be aware of it but in today’s generation multimedia are often used as a tool for intercultural learning. “Films can be a valuable intellectual exercise in deciphering other cultures”. (Cardon, 2010, p151) The Slumdog Millionaire, which has won many awards from the movie industry, is one of the warmest and electrifying movies in 2009. There are negative and positive reviews in this movie. Some people think that it is a great and a very inspiring movie. Some people think that this movie is insensitive to Indian culture and that it causes national sentiments. There are only two main reactions in this movie. One is to like the movie, and second is to hate it. The reaction of the people usually depends on the level of emotional impact the movie had created. “Most people gain their deepest impressions through their senses – what they see, hear, and feel upon entering a new culture.” (Cardon, 2010, p151) Films, movies, and computers are the most accessible for the people who want to learn more things about life, love, people, and the world. The Slumdog Millionaire is a great movie for intercultural learning. This movie is ideal for learning about stereotyping. Some of the people in the Western culture have a very little exposure and knowledge about Indian culture. Some of them are being biased to the culture of India. The “Slumdog Millionaire” movie not only gave entertainment and inspiration but also intercultural learning to its Indian and non-Indian audiences. This paper contains a summary of the movie “Slumdog Millionaire”. The positive and negative effects of the movie to both the Indian and non-Indian audiences are stated in this paper. It also shows the cultural differences between the two different cultures.

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