Similarities Between Hamlet And Frankenstein

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Life Sucks Screen play adaptations commonly differ from the book on which they are based. Just like gossip between peers is enhanced for entertainment purposes, films are enhanced for these purposes as well. Between Frankenstein, a novel by Mary Shelley, and the screen play adaptation, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, by Kenneth Branagh, there are numerous differences in detail. Nonetheless, there are similarities in the undertone of both mediums that portray mutual morals. However, it would be a blatant falsehood to say that this film adaptation is free from inaccuracy, somehow above reproach, or indeed perfect. There were times when the story was subjected to certain indignities wherein the original storyline was tossed to the wayside in favor of a more cinematic approach. This is to be expected in such a transition from print to screen. At times, such changes were hardly noticeable. Others however, left one wondering if it was indeed the same story, or merely someone slapping the name of Shelley onto a film in hopes of gaining some…show more content…
In contrast to the novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley, the movie had background music to each scene that set either an anticipant, nervous, worried, happy, or excited mood for the viewer. For example, before the monster would kill someone, the music in the film would go from pleasant to fast paced and terrifying. This music very adequately portrayed the horror genre of the story Frankenstein. The novel, although I am sure was meant to be terrifying, did not as effectively convey the emotions of terror that the screen play adaption was successful in doing. However, it must be taken into consideration that it was probably a very scary story years ago, but today horror stories are much more terrifying and intense than Frankenstein
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