Illegal Immigration Benefits

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Benefits of Legal Immigration in the United States The United States is a country of immigrants. With the exception of the Native Americans, no one from any of the other continents was born in America. With so few native people living in the United States, it makes sense for individuals to immigrate into the country. There are two types of immigration, illegal and legal. Illegal immigration is when a person enters a country without following the legal means of doing so, such as applying for a green card. Legal immigration is when a person enters a country by following all the legal requirements. The United States is concerned about this because of the ever increasing population of the country. This paper will bring to attention some of the…show more content…
Usually it is the people who are smart and goal oriented who realize the limited opportunities their country provides for them. You can start your own business, learn a high-tech career, become movie stars, publish a best-selling novel, or be elected to office here in the United States. Many people essentially desire the same things: recognition, wealth, fame, and the feeling of making a difference. America provides an equal opportunity for everyone to go about doing these things. Many countries of the world limit educational opportunities, limit job possibilities and prevent individuals from actually receiving the rewards of their hard work. Since our nation was founded by English and other European citizens that risked their lives to sail across the ocean to an unknown future. America can't help but provide an inspiring example of what tasking a risk and working hard can accomplish (Nadadur,…show more content…
Many individuals have only one true hope for a better life for themselves or their children, which is to leave their home country and somehow make it to America to live a better life. The high number of illegal immigrants in this country indicates that immigrants will continue to come here whether or not there are laws to prevent this from occurring. Illegal immigrants must hide their identities. They are not going to be attending American schools, filing tax returns, or doing other beneficial things that typical Americans do. Relating to that, if they are already breaking the law by being here, so there is no reason for them to obey other laws. Legal immigrants, especially those who plan to stay permanently, must pay taxes and are more likely to attend school to learn academic subjects such as English, and a trade skill. Since they can be open about who they are, they are more likely to try to be like other Americans and adopt American culture. Lastly, they can eventually earn the right to vote and participate in our political process, meaning they can develop a decision-making stake in the future of our country. After all this, their ultimate goal can be completed of living a better life as a true American citizen. (Salamon,
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