If You Haven’t Struck Oil in Your First Three Minutes, Stop Boring!

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“If you haven’t struck oil in your first three minutes, stop boring!” George Jessel Public speaking is certainly an art. Not only does it require some skills but it also implies genuine talent. Nevertheless, there some maneuvers that can help you to navigate through pitfalls of the public speaking. Knowing how to introduce yourself and how to begin your speech is extremely important for it is your jumping-off point to command the attention of the audience. Should you fail to engage them from the very beginning, your speech is doomed to be a burden for everyone in the hall. First of all, it is not easy to concentrate on one particular speech, while there are dozens of them ahead and even more behind. You should be an architect of your own fortunes. It is vital that all the audience notice you. Some jokes or witty comments on the previous orator will help you not only to best your opponent but to engage the audience. And ones you get their attention, you can deliver your speech knowing that their eyes and ears are open lusted for your words. And never should you forget about human’s psychology. The beginning and the ending of your speech is what the audience will remember. So make it ring out, let it imprint in their minds. Do not beat around the bush but speak precisely. It is a fine line between an eloquent rousing speech and pompous trite words which would most certainly be interrupted with jeers. To soar to the rhetorical heights you should always be in command of your own worlds delivering them both gently and to the point. And finally, you should judge your audience perfectly and feel them: whether they are full of enthusiasm and expect something interesting from you, or they are too tired for incoming information and would rather just relax listening to you funny witty notes. The ability to adapt your speech according to the demands of your audience that

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