Ict Unit 1 M3

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M3 Report Objective of Report In this report I will be investigating the variety of learning styles that exist and I will be finding out what learning style I am best suited to and why, furthermore I will see if I agree with the answer the questionnaire gives me and see if I can relate to the results. Once I find out my results to the different learning style questionnaires I part take in I will update my PDP (Personal Development Phase). Learning Styles The reason why we are studying different learning styles is because of two reasons the first being about academia and school life as we will be able to maximise are learning potential because we will know the best way in which we learn, we will also be able to maximise are A Level grades because we will again know the best way in which to study and this will furthermore increase our A Level grades because we will be working in the best way possible for ourselves. Another reason why we are study learning styles is because we will understand how to study better and how to overcome classroom limitations thus in turn reducing everyone’s stress levels as people will stress less if they know and understand the best way to study. The second reasons to why we are studying different learning styles is because of personal reasons such as to improve your self-confidence and self-esteem, to learn how best to use your brain which can never be a bad thing, gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses, learn how to enjoy learning more, develop your motivation for learning and maximising your natural abilities and skills. Learning Styles Theories The different learning style theories there are to enhance you learning skills are VAC, Belbin, Kolb, Gardener and Honey and Mumford. The VAC (VAK or VARK) learning style theory is one of the most common and widely used categorisations of the various types of learning styles
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