Good Practicum Experiences

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Good learning experiences in practicum are usually the result of a well-planned learning agreement. For the most part, a good practicum experience is usually one that has been well conceived and outlined. In addition, however, you may have some very good unplanned learning experiences. Overall, you will increase your chances of success if you design a clear learning plan, but will also do well if you watch for opportunities to participate in learning opportunities that pre- sent themselves along the way, Although most students avoid negative learning experiences, they may very well be the best teachers. As you begin your practicum, it is important to list your desired outcomes for learning and then identify and arrange activities and experiences that will help you reach those goals. A learning outcome is what you gain, achieve, get exposed to, or master as you work toward professional competency. A learning goal is a broad description of what you plan to learn, and is not usually mea- surable. A learning objective is what you hope you will know or be able to do following your practicum and is usually measurable. Learning activities are the actual steps you take to help you achieve the outcomes you desire. This chapter provides basic information, guidance, and a workbook activ- ity that can assist you in developing an effective plan for learning. This plan will be extremely useful, but it is also important to recognize that not every- thing will go as planned. Unexpected experiences may also provide you with insightful and valuable learning. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT A plan for learning during the practicum is like a road map, identifying destina- tions and possible routes for getting where you want to go. The development of this plan is important, but it is not a simple or easy task. However, it is always bet- ter to have a plan—even if it is a
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