I Cheated, But Only A Little Summary

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“I Cheated, but Only a Little”: Partial Confessions to Unethical Behavior Camby Bynum 2/15/2015 Abstract Summary The article I chose was called “I Cheated, but Only a Little”: Partial Confessions to Unethical Behavior” composed by Eyal Peer, Alessandro Acquisti, and Shaul Shalvi (2014). The article discusses the effects of partial confessions, as opposed to full confessions of guilt. Research shows that when people partially confess to guilt it does not have the same effect as a full confession would. Feelings of remorse, limited credibility, and other effects can be found when only confessing partially. The problem found in the journal article was the question of whether or not people would fully confess (which they most of the time didn’t) and what effects the partial confessions had on a persons emotional health. The problem is not necessarily detrimental…show more content…
I feel that the sources used are important and they contribute to the greater message that the writers are trying to get across. The review itself can be broken down into three parts, but is not considered as too broad. The first part is the question of will people admit to their wrongdoings at all. The second part is, if in fact they do admit guilt, will they fully admit or partially admit to make themselves feel better about what they’ve done. The third part is if partially admitting guilt, will this make them feel better or worse than not admitting guilt at all. The references used span from all the way back to 1957 with Sykes and Matza’s Techniques of Neutralizations; A theory of delinquency, to 2013 with Hilbig and Hessler’s What lies beneath: How the distance between truth and lie drives dishonesty. The article writers aren’t biased in their scientific approach. They find a problem, do their research, come up with a hypothesis, and conduct studies with proper usage of the scientific
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