Insanity Defense In Criminal Justice

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Insanity defense of criminal justice Park University Introduction to criminal justice October 3, 2011 Abstract The Insanity defense has been around since the twelfth century. Mental incompetence and mental illness during the time a defendant has committed a crime that makes him or her not realize the extent of the crime they have committed. The insanity plea is very controversial and many states have abolished the use of it. Insanity defense was originated in the 12th century; at this time it was not used as a not guilty plea but instead to shorten the time of their prison sentence. In the 19th century they softened up on the insanity defense and allowed defendants to use it as a not guilty plea. The first person to be found not guilty based upon insanity was Daniel M’Naghten in 1844. What exactly is an insanity defense? The insanity defense refers to a defendant at the time of committing the criminal act lacked the knowledge and mental capacity to stop themselves of committing the crime of that particular time. In different situations some defendants are able to argue that they suffered from irresistible impulse, which means that they understood what they did, was wrong but couldn’t stop themselves from committing the act. Many defendants can plead not guilty based on irresistible impulse. The M’Naghten case brought the M’Naghten rule into affect. The M’Naghten rule determined if the defendant…show more content…
Reference page The insanity defense history and background (2011) (post) Retrieved October, 2 2011, from www.criminal , The insanity defense at a closer look (1998) (article) Retrieved October, 2 2011, from Insanity of criminal law (2010) (book) Retrieved October, 2 2011, from criminal justice brief

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