Humans And Chimps Similarities

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Essay # 2 There is only a two percent difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzee's. Chimps also known as Haplorhines and are one of the best known primates today. There are striking similarities between humans and chimps in the anatomy and wiring of the brain and nervous system. (Diamond 2008 a: 46) One of the most distinct similarities are the prehensility which is our grasping ability. Both the chimpanzees and human have opposable thumbs, which of course started out as a mutation but ended up being very positive for anyone who has it. The grasping ability and the opposable thumb help with fitness, food and climbing. (Miller 2008) Chimps immune systems are very similar to ours and individuals in the medical field actually use this…show more content…
Drumming is one was chimps communicate with each other. Another is vocal sounds that chimps often make to each other. Chimpanzees make these noises that might sound like nothing to the untrained ear but to other chimps it could be a sign of power or warning one another of danger. Also in the wild chimps often physically communicate with each other. One way is running around, swinging in trees, and making sounds. That specific example of communication is often used by adolescent to adult males to show their power in their group.(Miller 2008) Then there is a more advance way of communicating with each other and this involves uses of environment and also their physical bodies. Leaf tearing or clipping is done mainly in the context of wanting to mate with a particular female and it appears to function as a purely symbolic signal of sexual desire. Another form of communication that deals with sexual desire, intimacy, and fellowship is grooming. Now in captivity researchers take communication to a more advance level. American Sign Language, also known as ASL is one way researchers have communicated with chimps. Another way chimps in captivity learned language was called a symbol-laden keyboard, where there were pictures of objects. Coco, who is a chimp that was in captivity was taught ASL and in the end was able to communicate with 300 signs. Then there was…show more content…
Humans and Chimpanzee's are very similar genetically, morphologically and also physiologically. With the same mutations carried on from our ancestors; such as our grasping ability, opposable thumbs, immune systems, forward facing eyes , and the fact that were both diurnal. But its equally important to note that chimps and humans are different in many ways such as chimpanzee's have their our style of manufacturing and use of tools, hunting strategies, use of language and communication and lastly family structure and
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