Can Chimps Talk?

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Can Chimps talk? Many researchers feel that chimps may be very similar to humans that they may be able to understand and communicate with us by using a sign that we understand. In order to find out whether chimps are capable of understanding either human language or sign language, they picked some chimps to do some experiments. 1) Washoe, one of the chimps used in the experiment, was about 10 months old when she arrived in the University of Nevada. At that time, Washoe was able to use 133 signs such as “open, come, good, hurry, hide, okay” and etc. She was also capable of using separate units. For example, using the words “hurry” and “open” together to represent “open hurry”. I think the reason why Washoe could use the sign languages is that she was imitating the signing behavior of her human friends. Before Washoe was brought to Fauts, she had already given birth to two infants. However, unfortunately, neither of them lived more than a few weeks. Fauts tried to make her understand what had happened, but Washoe was so upset that she stopped signing. After a couple of days, Fauts found a replacement whose name was Lulis and she started signing to Washoe “Baby, baby”. To Fauts’s surprise, Washoe was extremely excited because she thought that was her baby although her baby was not present. In another word, Washoe misunderstood her which implied that she was only mimicking trainer’s sign but not learning that. On the other hand, by the time Lulis was five, he had learned a total of 51 signs without human intervention. It can be concluded from the above facts that Washoe had the capability of using hundreds of different signs and talking about something that was not present, but it’s pretty hard for her to use signs to mean the same thing. 2) In another experiment of the video, the main goal was to find out whether chimps could create a sentence. Nim was taught
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