Hero's Journey

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Hero’s Journey The Odyssey is a folk epic that has timeless appeal for its depiction of the classic hero. The story contains each element of the hero cycle: separation, initiation and return. The result of this journey is what Odysseus learned on his journey and how he grew physically, mentally and emotionally. The first element of the hero cycle is the separation; this is when the hero’s journey starts. The call to the journey for Odysseus is when Hermes the messenger of the Gods goes to Calypso’s Island. There he tells Calypso to let Odysseus go home, she obliges and helps him build a raft. The next part in the hero’s cycle is the threshold, the point when the hero leaves the known world and enters into the unknown. For Odysseus this point is when he encounters all of the monsters and Gods and Goddesses. For instance while on his way to meet Circe, Odysseus runs into Hermes the messenger of the Gods. This point is also when Athena starts to intervene in Odysseus life. The last part of the separation is the descent, the point when the hero voyages into uncharted territory. When Odysseus blinds Polyphemus the Cyclops and is leaving the island Polyphemus prays to his father Poseidon. Which starts the curse where Poseidon does everything he can to not have Odysseus make it home. The second part in the hero cycle is the Initiation; this is when the hero is tested physically, mentally and emotionally. The tests and ordeals that Odysseus faces on his journey are all the monsters and Gods and Goddesses he encounters. For example Circe, the Sirens, Scylla, Charbdis, and Polyphemus. The abyss is the point feared most in the hero’s journey. For Odysseus this point is when he has to go visit the Underworld. It is the most feared because no man has ever returned from this trip. The transformation Odysseus went through after the visit to the underworld was he realized

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