Healthcare Associated Infection

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Essay1 What are healthcare asscociated infection. A Healthcare associated infection is an infection that is acquired after being in contact with the healthcare services such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinics. MRSA ( methicillian-resistant staphylococcus ) also know as the superbug is a disease that spreads rapidly amongest patients, staff and visitors of the general public. MRSA is a skin infection that starts out as a simple rash, pimple and can be very sore and painful to touch also can be accompanied by a fever (CDC). When this is left untreated staph bacteria can get into the body systoms through open wounds and after entering the body it is know as Invasive MRSA the staph then enters into the blood circulation…show more content…
Hospital conditions made it possible for the staph to genetically modfy their responsiveness to antibiotics which was shown by patients with weak imune systems. These serious infections are more likly to occur in people who are already sick or have just had surgery and have poor imune systems. These infections need to be treated with antibiotics. MRSA methicillian – resistant staphylococcus aureus. There are various strains of S.aureus and some strains are classed as MRSA. MRSA strains are very similar to other of S.aureus. Some people who are healthy also be carriers and some people will develop the types of infections descibed above, the difference is that most S aureus infections can be treated with common antibiotics. Some strains of S aureus have become resistant to some antibiotics. Treatments for MRSA If a patient has been diagnosed with MRSA infection it is important for them to take antibiotics till the end of the course even if it seems symptoms have gone because MRSA can still suvive in the system and may…show more content…
Hands should be washed under running water for 10-15 seconds using soap or antiseptic washand dried with paper towel. In addition to washing hands with antiseptic products you can use hand sanitizers. Practising good hand hygiene prevents transmission of nosocomial infections which are only aquired while in the health care facility. Encouraging patients, workers and visitors to do the same will continue the cycle of infection control. Conclusion. The practice of hand hygiene is not just a means of important infection control but also stops the transmission of infectious diseases and can be minimized by making sure that hands are washed after useing the bathrooon, before eating, after being in contact with other patients or visitors. The best way to reduce the incidents of transmitting infections is to think about washing your hands on a regular basis and make it a rule so as to protect your own and everyones else health. 750

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