Health and Social Care Level 3

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Engage in Personal Development In Health, Social Care Or Children’s and Young People’s Setting 1. Understand what is required for competence in own work role. 2.1 Describe the duties and responsibilities of your own work role. My roles and responsibilities at work include home assessments as part of the falls prevention programme, monitor clients vital signs such as temperature, pulse, blood pressure, urinalysis, to undertake simple wound dressings, carrying out blood sugar tests, catheter care giving bladder washouts, giving support to terminal ill patients, relatives and carers, take blood samples from clients make sure they are stored and transferred to pathology in line with the guidelines, to assist with bowel management administering suppositories and enemas, and care for patients with home enteral feeding pumps. 2.2 Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards. You will have to show you are competence in doing your job role and meet the standards that are required for you to carry these out there is The National Minimum Standards these are used by the Commission for Social Care Inspection to inspect the quality of care in services, National; Occupational Standards UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. 2. Be able to reflect on practice. 3.3 Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service provided. You have to be aware of new developments and do not assume that your workplace will automatically inform you of new developments, you can find new information from the internet, going to conferences, from your colleagues. 3.4 Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice. If you allow your own preferences to
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