Health and Social Care

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Unit Support person-centred thinking and planning Assessment Criteria Outcome 1 Understand the principles and practice of person-centred thinking, planning and reviews The learner can: 1. Identify the beliefs and values on which person-centred thinking and planning is based. Individuality, independence, privacy, partnership, choice, dignity, respect and rights. 2. Define person-centred thinking, person-centred planning and person-centred reviews. Person-centred thinking is a set of values, skills and tools used to get to know someone, what they find important and what they want out of life. Person centred planning provides a way of assisting a person plan their life, thus ensuring that the individual remains central in creating a plan which will concern them. A Person-centred review uses person-centred thinking tools to explore what is important to an individual now and in the future. It looks at what support they need and what is/or not working from different perspectives to agree outcomes and actions for change. It encourages people to aspire to improve their life, and gathers and shares information to do this. It meets statutory requirements, and is very different to traditional reviews. 3. Describe the difference that person-centred thinking can make to individuals and their families. It is a way of identifying who is relevant to an individual and to discover any important issues about their relationship. It feeds into support planning because it focuses on which people to involve in planning and which relationships can be strengthened or supported. 4. Describe examples of person-centred thinking tools. Sorting important to/for: Helps identify a balance between being happy and content, with being healthy and safe. The Doughnut: Identifies the roles and responsibilities of the people providing support. Relationship circle: This identifies who is
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