Has The Human Brain Grown Or Decayed

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The human brain has grown or decayed? discuss The brain is a vital part of a human being. Since the day we are born the brain tells us what to do. It tells us to cry so that the doctors know that the baby is alive. As we grow the capability of the brain grows and we have to keep our brain active as a dull brain may end up being dimented and make us halucinate. No matter what we have to keep our brain active in whatever way possible. The more we study the more knowledge our brain absorbs and this keeps on making our brain grow. The technology nowadays have grown to huge level and with that our brain has also grown because the technology keeps on becoming more complicated that we have to keep on using our brain to use all these technologies. Before in the olden times people only used paper and pens to write emails nowadays there are emails and people have to remember their email ids and their password so that they can access their emails and send these emails. Schools are now teaching higher education so that our knowledge keeps on increasing and our brain also keeps on increasing as we get more knowledge. Schools are now teaching grade 8 students the subjects of grade 9 so that they get more knowledge and increase the function of the brain. The resources available to us nowadays are so vast that we tend to use all of it and because of this our brain grows. The resources are used by everybody nowadays and everybodys mind keeps on increasing. Whatever we do like eating, exercising and even breathing is all controlled by our brain the brain understands all the commands sent to it so it can take the appropriate action to help our body. Because of the influence of friends also that people brain keeps on increasing. If the people around us are good then we also get influenced to do bad things and this helps our brain to grow The human mind has also
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