Essay On The Dumbest Generation

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Dumber, I Think Not Are we really being called the dumbest generation? Just because we have made our lives easier does not mean that we are dumb. If anything it means that we are becoming smarter. At first glance adults might look at us as stupid or dumb because we have less factual knowledge stored in our brains. An example of this could include having to name the presidents in order from earliest to latest. You probably wont find many people that can still do this because we have these amazing things in our pockets that can lookup anything and everything in a matter of seconds. In "The Dumbest Generation," Mark Bauerlein brings up a statistic that he found to prove his case that we are dumber. It comes from the Pew Research Center…show more content…
He is making the claim that with all this technology surrounding us, "young people today [are writing] far more than any generation before them." He brings forth data from a study done at Stanford, proving that students are writing much more than any other generation. In fact 38% of all high school students' written work is done for social media type texts. This data also was able to find that students are not just writing more but they are actually becoming "remarkably adept at what rhetoricians call kairos." This shows that students are not just writing more but they are actually using knowledge of writing techniques to adapt their text to cater to a particular audience. Basically, I think it is okay to say that we as a generation are not getting dumber. We may be storing less information in our brains as Bauerlein pointed out in his article but that is all because we have gotten used to the idea of having access to almost any answer at any location. Just think about the jobs we are going to be able to do in the future if we can use our brains for exclusively for thinking because memory would be stored somewhere else. Again, we are not becoming dumber, but rather we are just becoming smarter and taking advantage of the tools we have around
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