Guns, Lies, Video

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“Guns, Lies, and Video” Summary Rhetorical Analysis In Karen Wright’s “Guns, Lies, and Video” she addresses several arguments about the topic of violence in video games and the affect that they have on children and young adults. One of Wright’s opening statements is about how parents distinguish between virtual violence and physical violence and actually justify their children’s interaction with video games. She also states that there are studies that actually show the link between violence in the media and the aggressive ways their viewers respond to their messages. Wright also mentions how there was a time when video games truly were harmless, but now that they are more aggressive, people tend to get the message that violence is tolerable and funny. She also admits that one of the problems with video games is that there is no standard for rating video games, so any content that is profitable is acceptable. One thing that she states is that the violence in video games has been linked to violence in the lives of the viewers, and that people who play video games naturally have a more aggressive personality. Though TV has also been known to show violence, Wrights says that video games are worse because they’re interactive. She also asserts that though people may like to deny the negative effects of video games, they cannot deny that the media is a manipulative tool that is used to trigger emotions. Wright’s closing statement is a warning to parents; she says that they need to educate themselves to keep their children safe. 1. I feel that the intended audience of this piece is parents of children and teenagers. I believe that this text connects well with the audience because it cites a number of credible sources and uses lots of details. I also think that it is convincing because this argument is commonly seen on the news and therefore when parents read
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