Gun Control Cons

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Gun Control I do not believe in gun control. In this paper, I am going to tell you why I believe that gun control is not necessary. I hope that I am able to persuade you in this paper to believe that guns should not be controlled. In my opinion, hunting would be much more difficult because you could not use certain guns, and this is not fair to the hunter. In my research of this topic, I have found a lot of political debates in which many political figures are found saying they are on one side or the other. This is a story that I found on the internet: Biden acknowledged that gun control has traditionally been viewed as the third rail of American politics, recalling that when President Barack Obama asked him to take the lead, the President…show more content…
He had to come up with a plan to satisfy the House of Representatives and Congress. Some pros for gun control would be that it might bring the number of accidental shootings down. An example would be that a household would not have a lot of guns just sitting around, and the little children could not just shoot it by accident. Also, depending on what guns they would rule out, the gangs would not be able to get a hold of certain guns as easily. I am not saying they would not get them, but it would be more difficult to find them. Cons for gun control are that if they ban some clips for a .22 rifle, I would not be able to keep my magazine unless they rule that a big clip is smaller than a certain number. Some people would disagree that having any kind of gun control is bad. The big gun enthusiasts think that nothing is going to change except for the temper of the…show more content…
The reason is the perceived view that it is the lack of gun control that has resulted in the number of firearms-related deaths in the country. In fact, this is one of the most stated, but wrong, arguments for gun control. The fact of the matter is that if gun control is put into place there are more chances that law-abiding citizens will be victims. Gun control laws to a large extent can have no effect on criminals, as there will always be a thriving black market for trade of guns and firearms. (Nair,
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