Frazier: Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions, 4th Edition

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Chapter 1: Mechanisms of Disease, Diagnosis, and Treatment Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Signs of disease a. always cause symptoms. b. rarely correlate with symptoms. c. include abnormal objective findings. d. are always described by the patient. ANS: C 2. Predisposing factors of disease a. precisely predict the occurrence of disease. b. make a person or group more vulnerable to disease. c. never overlap or occur in combination. d. can all be controlled by prevention. ANS: B 3. Genetic diseases may be a. produced by an abnormality in or mutation of the genetic code in a single gene. b. caused by several abnormal genes. c. caused by the abnormal presence or absence of a chromosome or an alteration of the structure of chromosomes. d. all of the above. ANS: D 4. Benign tumors a. tend to remain encapsulated. b. infiltrate surrounding tissue. c. do not compress surrounding tissue or obstruct organs. d. do not resemble the tissue of origin. ANS: A 5. Malignant tumors a. tend to infiltrate other tissue. b. tend to bleed, ulcerate, and become infected. c. may spread to distant sites in the body. d. are all of the above. ANS: D 6. Which statement is true regarding the TNM (tumor, nodes, metastasis) cancer staging system? a. Assesses the size and extent of the spread of the primary tumor. b. Is a grading system based on the degree of differentiation of tumor cells. c. Both a and b are true. d. Neither a nor b is true. ANS: A 7. Which of the following correctly states the sequence of an allergic response within the body most? a. IgE antibodies enter the body and produce an allergen. b. The release of histamine sensitizes mast cells and produces symptoms. c. Exposure to allergen stimulates production of IgE antibodies that can subsequently trigger symptoms of allergy. d. Histamine

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