Explain What Fletcher Understands by Christian Love and It’s Roles in the Moral Decisions Making Process of Situation Ethics. (30 Marks)

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Explain what Fletcher understands by Christian love and it’s roles in the moral decisions making process of situation ethics. (30 marks) Fletcher explains situation ethics through the six fundamental principles and Christian love. Joseph Fletcher, states “Only one thing is intrinsically good; namely love: nothing else”. He states only love is good. Actions are not intrinsically good or evil but this is depending upon whether they promote the most loving result. This means actions are intrinsically good, depending on their circumstances and consequences of the situation. The second fundamental principle is “The ruling norm of Christian decision is love; nothing else”. Fletcher states that Jesus replaced the Torah with the principle of love. For example; his decision to heal on the Sabbath day, rejecting the commitments of Sabbath the ceremony. This principle also states commandments are not absolute due to Jesus breaking them because of love. Concluding this principle love replaces law and is never equal to any law. Fletcher’s third fundamental principle is “Love and justice are the same”. This means justice is love distributed but can’t be separated from each other. Fletcher writes, ‘Justice is Christian love using its head, calculating it’s duties, obligations, opportunities and reasons. Justice is love coping with situations, where distribution is called for, ‘For’ justice is love at work in the whole community, for the whole community. Fletcher’s fourth fundamental principle is “Love wills the neighbours well, whether we like him or not’. This relates to the love that Fletcher is concerned about isn’t a matter of feeling, but of attitude of the will towards the other person and desire for the good of other people. This is the New Testament agape love. Your neighbour is anybody and agape love goes out to anybody and everybody. Not just those we like

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