Common Grace Essay

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COMMON OPERATIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT To understand the application of Christ’s redemption in the lives of sinners, Berkhof discusses the general operations of the Holy Spirit. These are in two categories: The General Operations of the Holy Spirit in Nature, and Common Grace. There is a similarity in the work of the Holy Spirit in nature and in the work of redemption. In both instances, the Holy Spirit is the originator of new life and sustains those changes onto the future. A difference exists where in the life of man the Holy Spirit works these in the elect and not on everyone. There is not a similar comparison to this in His workings in nature. Common Grace is the next category of the general operations of the Holy Spirit that Berkhof discusses. Common grace refers to the common blessings of God to all men. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the people’s lives whereby He restrains sin, preserves morality and order in life. Common grace is not a work of regeneration. Contrary to the Arminian view, common grace does not cause a person to turn to God. This leads us to look at Special Grace. Special grace is different from common grace in that it is irresistible; it produces spiritual renewal in the total nature and hearts of men. Special grace results in regeneration of sinners’ hearts by the work of the Holy Spirit. There are common blessings resulting from Christ’s atoning work that are shared onto all men. Common grace operates as the light of God’s revelation in all men. It is the inner conscience that guides even those that are unregenerate. It operates through the arms of government and public opinion, where order and laws in line with God’s are upheld. A way of maintaining moral good is through the law of rewards and punishment whereby good and bad conduct are given corresponding reward in this life. Common grace has the effects of restraining God’s

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