Situation Ethics Essay

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RE Homework: Examine/Explain the key features of Situation Ethics. Situation ethics is a teleological ethical theory. A teleologist is a relativist. A teleological is a person who believes in the exact opposite to a deontologist. A deontologist believes that right actions and wrong actions are set in stone however a teleologist believes that an action can only be right or wrong depending on what the consequences and end result of that action are. For a teleologist there are no set right or wrong actions. Situation ethics is a teleological ethical theory as well as being a consequential ethical theory. The principle of Utility for Situation ethics is “Love and not Law is our guide”. This means that if everyone has love, it over rules law in every situation. This principle of Utility of Situation Ethics has a different approach to love as it focuses on “Agape Love”. It is a Greek word for love. This love means that your interests are set in second place as you seek the greatest good for the others. It is said to be the will to seek another person’s greatest good no matter what that person has done towards you in the past. It is said to be an attitude of good will to all. An example of this love is God’s Love for us all. Jesus showed his love that he had for us when he died for us. It is good for us to have Agape love too –“Love your enemy”. There are other types of love for example Eros which is passionate, romantic love, Philia which is friendship love and Storge which is family love which involves no sexual attractions. The social background to Situation Ethics proves there has been a shift from divine command ethics to situational ethics for example traditionally the Christian approach to decision making was divine command ethics but this changed in 1960’s. The commands from God were revealed through scripture and the church. This proved to be an
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