Benjamin Franklin Autobiography

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To each and every Puritan colonist, there was no greater objective than the acquisition of moral perfection. Puritan life revolved around perfection and contained many rules for right and wrong. God hovered over Puritans, governing their successes, failures, and positions throughout life. At the same time, he also punished, shunned, and rejected those who did not abstain from sin and did not lead virtuous lives. In his Autobiography, Benjamin Franklin recognized the merit of the virtuous life that Puritan colonist hold so dear. He began to see that a path of virtue not only led to moral perfection but also to worldly success. And while his path differed considerably from the Puritans, in many ways, they were similar enough to arrive at the same destination. After attending a sermon that defined the meaning of a virtuous life, Benjamin Franklin sought to achieve moral perfection. Like the Puritans, he planned to combat natural inclinations by building a life of strong moral preservation. While Franklin did not have as devoted a belief in God as the Puritans, he did believe in God and believed in the importance of good deeds and services. He also believed that all crimes were punishable, like the Puritans, who believed that God gave punishments to all wrongs. Franklin listed out virtues and sought to accomplish each in a specific order. His notion of virtues differed, however, from the Puritans who believed that being close to God was most virtuous and focused on reading scripture and prayers instead of being good citizens. Also, unlike the Puritans, Franklin wasn’t as deeply devoted to God. He did not attend mass every week and had respect for other religions and other religious principles. He did not follow God’s orders unquestionably, like the Puritans, and saw doubt and altered his behavior even though to other Christians it would be a sin. Franklin and
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