Explain How To Teach Autistic Children To Read

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How to Teach Autistic Kids to Read Teaching autistic children reading skills is an important but sometimes frustrating job. If you have been trying to teach an autistic child to read with little or no success, or if you are thinking about starting to teach an autistic child to read, this article can give you some fresh ideas. Instructions Take a good inventory of how the child learns and what makes the child overwhelmed. Many children with autism spectrum disorders can be overwhelmed by their senses, whether it's from bright colors, strong smells or even noise. You must know the child's favorite things; this can be the key to teaching the child to read. Remember, if it is not fun, the child will lose interest and not learn what you are…show more content…
An autistic individual is usually more visually-oriented, and will respond more quickly to diagrams and pictures than words. Flash cards with words mated to a corresponding picture can be particularly effective. Establish a set routine, with specific schedules for the teacher and the student to follow each day. Autistic children use routines to feel safe, and will resist aggressively if that routine is upset. Carefully introduce new information within a familiar structure in order for the child to learn and progress. Downplay the importance of handwriting skills in autistic children, since some motor skills can be compromised by autism. Instead, allow the autistic child to type answers on a keyboard. Place the monitor close to the keyboard, as many autistic children may have difficulty in establishing the connection between the two objects. Eliminate loud sounds, such as bells, PA systems and buzzers, from the learning environment. Autistic children can react negatively to loud noises. In fact, some autistic children respond more readily to verbal instructions if they are whispered or even sung

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