Unit 9 Seminar Young Children with Special Needs

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Adrienne Edmonson, Unit 9 Seminar, Option 2 List three (3) types of modification you think you may use as an Early Childhood Care Professional in your future career. Explain how you would use these. 1. Environmental Support: This would be a modification I would make in my classroom setting because I think it will be very useful to help a child that speech impaired communicate with me, and for me to communicate with them. With this modification I will have different labels and photos available for the child so he is able to show me what he needs or wants. I’ll also have everything in the room labeled which makes it easier for the child to recognize items/tasks in the room, 2. Peer Support: I’d use this modification because it makes a child with special needs to have a special friend who accepts and supports them for just being them. Having a peer gives them someone to talk to. The peer can also help me, the ECP, out by helping to explain/communicate what I’m saying to the special needs child. 3. Simplifying the Activity: If I’m teaching a class and I have a visually impaired child I’ll use larger font slides. If I have a developmentally delayed child, when playing games I’ll use larger pieces so their easier for the student to hold. What is meant by invisible support? Give an example other than the one listed in the text that you will use in your future career. Invisible support is when the teacher arranges natural occurring events within an activity to increase the probability of the child’s success. I will use invisible support in my future career for a visually impaired child by already having a braille computer keyboard at the computer when it’s her turn for computer

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