Examples of Ib Art Candidate Statements

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My theme really began to develop last year when I was focusing on the eyes, and the emotions they can show. This year I took this idea further and tried to show the expressions of people from their faces. At the beginning of the year I thought that my theme was just people. I wanted to get the contours and details of the face, but in doing this I was actually trying to convey a feeling or emotion. I like hearing what other people think of them. I like to find out what others think about the person it is of. I did a few portraits of children and wanted it to remind the older viewers of what it was like to be a child, and get across the carefree attitude of children. Norman Rockwell was a huge influence for this and also in my portrait painting. I also did many pictures of my family members and friends and in these I wanted to get across their personality. People are so diverse, with different expressions, emotions, skin tones, and ages, and from one picture everyone sees them differently. The strength in my work is the technical skill, especially drawing more than painting. I have worked towards practising and learning to paint, but I still come back to drawing where I feel more comfortable and enjoy this more. One of my weaknesses is that my ideas skip around and very often I do not develop my ideas enough. I also have trouble with composition. Some of the still-lifes I did when beginning painting have weak compositions. Now I am aware of this and pay close attention to it while working on a piece. I have experimented with many different media and techniques. I have learned to use oil paints which I know I will use in the future. I also discovered printing, lino prints and mono prints which I otherwise would have tried to avoid, but actually ended up enjoying. I have used drawing media my whole life, but I have developed new techniques with. Another thing that I

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