Ex-Offenders In Prisons

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‘ A good definition of parole is that it is an “early release of a prisoner who is then subject to continued monitoring as well as compliance with certain terms and conditions for a specified period.” A definition of Pardon is that it’s a person who is exempt from the penalty that they had. In parole offenders who are placed under this program needs to meet specific criteria. The Criteria is based on their offense, how are they act and their behavior, the length of time that they have in prison. “Offenders are also approved for community supervision under the discretionary powers and jurisdiction of the Board of Parole. Offenders may be placed with an approved sponsor in the community under Transitional Supervision or in a halfway house…show more content…
There are work release programs that are designed to” provide assistance to offenders in obtaining meaningful employment.” In this program the offenders is place for 4 months under 24/7 supervision. The goal of this program is to make sure that the ex-offenders has a stable employment; a place to live in and savings to have an independent live. In the work release programs staff also helps offenders to obtain GED, develop better resumes and find…show more content…
Programs offer substance abuse, intensive substance abuse mental health and anger management treatments in individual and group counseling sessions.” For many offenders substance abuse and anger management programs are really helpful to become fully rehabilitated. Also Support Services programs that provide “day and evening nonresidential support service” are helpful for the offenders to be reentered to our community. In these programs they provide transportation to work, food vouchers and clothing, housing assistance and benefits

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