Essay On Judge Iddings

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8/29/2012 Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Judge Iddings Perspective Paper Having never been in a court room this experience was definitely interesting. And even more interesting was seeing the professor play the role of a judge instead of a professor. I personally did not know what to look forward to or what to expect. You hear about court hearings in movies, on the news, anywhere in the media. Yet actually attending a court hearing is a bit different. There were many things I didn’t know going in, and many things I saw that I had expected to happen. Throughout this paper I will answer a few key questions such as; what did I see or hear, my perception of the legal representation the youth received, my observation of the judge, obvious legal issues that should have been raised but didn’t, whether or not the outcome was just, and was the experience what I expected. Upon entering the court room I was not…show more content…
I did not expect the hearing to be so short, or for it to be delayed to long. I remember Judge Iddings saying for some complicated cases might be delayed so that the judge can talk further with the lawyers. As I stated above I also did not expect so much interaction between the judge and the juvenile. I also noticed at one point the father spoke out without asking first if he could speak, which made me realize that maybe juvenile courts are definitely not as strict as I would have expected them to be. Although I suppose it can be very different depending on which judge. The father also mentioned in court that his son had tried taking the fathers over the counter drug, and to “save” his son’s life he switched over the medical marijuana, I found that interesting. As I also stated above I was very surprised on how much the judge cared about the juvenile, even though the juvenile is a repeat offender. The judge could have easily shipped him off for a year, yet he gave the juvenile another chance to prove

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