Effects Of 9/11 On My Life

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Chapter 7 Throughout my life, there have been events that have affected me personally and the people around me. These events affect the way live, think, and the way we react to curtain situations. Events like Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting, The Boston Marathon Bombing, and the election of the first African American President. Without events like these, the world as we know it now wouldn’t be the same. From that I would like to share two events that affected me the most dramatically, 9/11 and social media. On September 11, 2001, 19 members of al-Qaeda hijacked airplanes. They’re mission was to attack targets in the United States (History). Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and a third plane hit the Pentagon. Over 3,000 people were killed during the attacks (History). Since 9/11, I have asked myself these questions every time I step on to a plane; is this plane safe? Are we going to get hijacked? Then seconds later I tell myself that I’m being crazy and continue on my way. That moment of second guessing will constantly be lingering in my head. 9/11 was also the first time I experienced a tragedy, and also many others. It meant that thousands of lives would be dramatically change…show more content…
For example Facebook has brought friendships from the past back together and the increased speed that news spreads (Dawn). So far, only about 2 billion of the world’s population has connected to social media websites (Dawn). Social changed the way I lived by, the way interact with my friends. Before social media, I didn’t always reach out to my friends seeing what was going on in their lives. I felt that I was missing out on some important events that were going on. Since then, I have been more up to date on how my friends lives are going based on their status or pictures posted. I have become closer to my friends and as well as making new

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