Major Incidents Essay

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Unit 15- Planning and management of major incidents. Major Incident- Is an event or incident where immediate action must be taken, by the emergency services. The emergency services will need to plan and make arrangements to rescue a large amount of people. The five main causes for a major incident are; 1. Natural- it’s an incident caused by a natural or environmental issue. Such as an earthquake or tornados. These can be the most devastating and disruptive type of disasters, in terms of financial problems and loss of human life. An example of a natural incident would be Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It was the sixth strongest to ever hit the USA, and the most costly. Creating estimated damage value of $81 billion. It started on the southern coast of Florida, leaving over 100,000 people without power. Then continued towards Louisiana, and then making landfall to Grand Isle south of New Orleans on the 29th of August. Whilst about 90km south of New Orleans the wind speed of the Hurricane was around 200k/m, and passed straight through New Orleans creating devastating damage. The hurricane affected over 15 million people in those areas. There currently are still 705 people reported as missing. The final death toll was 1,836. 2. Hostile- it’s an act of violence towards a collective community or a whole nation. It’s predominately where terrorism occurs. An example of a hostile attack is the 9/11 bombings. On the 9th of September 2001, a group of Islamic terrorist part of Al- Qaeda bombed upon three separate areas of the USA. The most famously known were the world trade centre attacks in New York City. Where a plane was hijacked and flown straight into them with. This caused devastating destructive damage and extensive deaths, approximately there were over 3,000 deaths in total. The other attacks on that day were the attack on the pentagon in Washington

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