Diseases Of The Respiratory System

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Many diseases affect the respiratory system. The respiratory system is like a sponge, but instead of absorbing water, the system can easily take in airborne viruses that travel in the air. The mouth and nose inhales the air that bacteria are floating in, and brings the infection into the body via respiratory system. The infected goes into the throat and then down the lungs. The infection usually begins in the throat and travels downward to reach the lungs. Then the host of the infection begins to show symptoms or signs that show that the infection is spreading. Depending on the kind of the disease, symptoms may vary. There are two different types of diseases, bacterial and viral. Bacteria cause bacterial diseases as viruses cause viral diseases. However, these two types have many things that separate them to become different from one another. For instance, there are not as many ways to treat a viral disease as there are to bacterial. Antibiotics can treat bacterial diseases while viral diseases can only have their symptoms suppressed by antibiotics. In another case, both types of diseases can be prevented only with certain steps. Separation from other people can lessen the chances of having another person becoming infected, cleaning and washing hands can be helpful, and receiving a vaccination is a beneficial way to not get the disease. There most common diseases are difficult to prevent due to the number of cases every year. These diseases mostly affect the respiratory system since the bacteria and viruses can travel in the air. The most common viral disease that affects the upper respiratory system is the common cold. Colds are very common in terms of human diseases. Most adults receive at least two colds annually. It is to be known that numerous viruses cause colds instead of just one. There are over 200 serotypes, or strains, that cause colds. The genus

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