Discuss Explanations for the Success and/or Failure of Dieting

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Discuss explanations for the success and/or failure of dieting (25 marks) The cognitive behavioural approach looks to explain dieting through positive and negative thought processes. The main reason why people want to lose weight is because they have negative views on their own body image. Herman and Polivy try to explain why restraint might actually increase eating, through their boundary model, which is that when dieting there is a conflict between the physiological need for food and the cognitive control over what should be eaten whilst dieting. The problem is that after the first 5-10% initial weight los the person begins to reach a plateau and the weight loss stops. A further problem is that at this point the body’s psychological needs and desire to maintain a certain set point over ride the cognitive control of the diet. Ogden in 2007 found that when I dieter loses cognitive control over their diet they end up eating the wrong types of food, thus creating the ‘what the hell’ effect and they give in to their physiological needs for food. Wardle and Beale carried out an experimental investigation to determine whether restraint eventually leads to over eating. In this experiment women were place in one of 3 groups; diet, exercise, or control and were tested at regular intervals for 7 weeks. The findings of the experiment were that women in the diet group would eat less but then overcompensate and binge on something unhealthy till full, therefore actually consuming the most food over the 7 week period. However of the participants in this experiment were female and therefore lacks validity in generalizing the results to males. The social explanations are supported by Parham who found that social support was strongly correlated with lasting weight loss. Furthermore Heshka randomly assigned patients to either weight watchers or a self help
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