Female Athlete Triad

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Female Athlete Triad is a serious health issue that involves disordered eating, low bone mass, and amenorrhea (cessation of the menstrual cycle) in female athletes. The condition is most common in sports that stress leanness, such as cross country running, gymnastics, and figure skating. In the past 25 years, much has been learned about symptoms, risk factors, causes, and treatment strategies for Female Athlete Triad. Studies involving different types of athletes have provided valuable information that has helped many physically active women avoid the health problems of this condition. Low-calorie diets are usually the first sign of eating disorders. Excessive exercise or exercise obsession can be another sign.Characterized by morbid fear of weight gain, eating disorders lead to harmful restriction of food intake. This can end in extreme weight loss or even starvation. Most female athletes are concerned about their body weight and shape, and may follow a strict diet. Avoiding key nutrients could lead to inadequate amounts of protein, iron, calcium, and zinc in the diet.Women who diet excessively often eliminate dairy products. Dairy products are a primary source of calcium, which is vital for bone strength.…show more content…
A constant change in weight from dietary restrictions and/or excessive exercise affect the hypothalamus’s output of gonadotropic hormones. Gonadotropic hormones “stimulate growth of the gonads and the secretion of sex hormones. A young female athlete who appears to be in top physical condition often has the highest risk of low bone density (osteoporosis) and fracture, especially if she experiences disordered eating and loss
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