Eating Disorders Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Human Growth and Development Your Name University of Houston – Downtown Due Date Article One Greenberg, S., & Schoen, E. (2008). Males and eating disorders: Gender-based therapy for eating disorder recovery. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(4), 464-471. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.39.4.464 The purpose of this study was to determine what distinguishes a man from a woman when it concerns eating disorders. The study also helps mental health professionals as a guide on how to treat males that face eating disorders. Previous studies have reported adolescent boys and men experienced eating disorders. Also, the studies showed that there are numerous similarities between eating disorders among males and…show more content…
The bulimics did not adequately receive this during childhood and they turn to food in order to feel the nurturance. This study compared parental relationships and attitudes among young women. Included in this study were eighty women ranging from the ages of 15 and 23 years. 20 women met the criteria for bulimia and 20 women were both bulimic and anorexic. Also, included in the study were 60 patients that were receiving treatment at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and the remaining 20 had no history of eating disorders. The participants were to answer the Eating Disorder Inventory questionnaire and the SASB rating scales of parents and self. They rated themselves and each parent and the introject. The scales rated from 0 = not at all to 100 = always perfectly. The results demonstrated that bulimics reported deficits in parental and maternal nurturance and comfort in comparison to normal young woman. The results also showed that both bulimics and anorexic participants rated their parents as blaming, neglectful, and rejecting. The results however, were not specific only to bulimia, so this was a limitation to this study. Another limitation of this study was the use of the SASB ratings which were made by patients who were in treatment over a year and have learned to conceptualize their eating disorder. Future investigation on the paternal relationships during childhood and binge eating should be done in addition to this study. My thoughts on this study were that I would have never thought that parental relationships and how you were treated during childhood could affect eating disorders. In the study they touched on how when during childhood people don’t receive maternal nurturance they turn to food for it. I do agree with this aspect that certain emotions and
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