Critically Discuss the Understandings of Individual Differences Produced by Trait Theory and Personal Construct Theory. Interrogate These Different Understandings by Reference to the Theme of Power Relations

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Critically discuss the understandings of individual differences Produced by Trait theory and personal construct theory. Interrogate these different understandings by reference to the theme of power relations Why do some individuals behave differently when exposed to identical situations or stimuli? And why do individuals react differently when re exposed to the same stimuli. Personality theories arose as psychologists puzzled over these individual differences. Indeed it is of great interest to many organisations as it could potentially offer the opportunity to predict and even control behaviour. This essay will look at how Trait theory and Personal Construct Theory (PCT) understand Individual differences also looking at how the interrogative theme of power relations weakens or reinforces the attributes of each theory Theories are not produced in a vacuum but are developed from and through critiques of previous theories. Butt (2007) concentrates on Eysenk’sTrait theory, (cited Butt 2007), with traits defined as ‘Stable and enduring’ ways one individual differs from another. This theory has been found in one form or other down the centuries, first in the form of categorisation i.e.: Choleric, Phlegmatic, Sanguine and Melancholic (Hippocrates and Galen cited in Butt 2007) Eysenck and Rachman (cited Butt 2007) were historically situated in the scientific experimental quantitative system for describing personality and favoured a dimensional approach. They used questionnaires which enabled them to plot a person’s position on 2 dimensions, the Eysenk Personality Inventory (EPI); they linked behaviour to underlying biological causes going beyond descriptions to causal effects. Eysenk linked differences in a person’s cortical arousal system to positions along an extraversion-introversion personality dimension and differences in the autonomic system to

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