Psy 300 Foundations Of Psychology

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Foundations of Psychology PSY/ 300 9/15/2014 In today’s society, there are many foundations of psychology. The major schools of psychology are Functionalism, structuralism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, humanistic, and cognitive Psychology. In this paper, I will examine the many different factors that help play crucial roles in the lives of human beings through culture and biology. The first known school of thought in psychology is structuralism. According to our text, psychology sixth addition Titchener (1867-1927) describes structuralism as an attempt to use introspection as a method for uncovering the basin elements of consciousness and the way they combine with each other into ideas (Kawaiski…show more content…
In his findings, Freud believed the human mind was make up of three main components; the ego, the ID, and the superego. Primary urges being on the ID, personality related being of the ego, and superego described as a part if a person’s personality that values ideas held within from their environment during childhood, also known as peers, parents, and a variety of cultural influences. Humanistic psychology’s primary focus is a person’s free will concept of self- actualization and interpersonal growth. The humanistic school of thought was developed in response to behaviorism and psychoanalysis. The differences among the early school of thought and the humanistic approach is that the emphasis is on helping individuals reach their highest potential rather than being the center of abnormal human behavior. Cognitive psychology is the school of psychology that focuses on the way people perceive, process, and retrieve informati9on. These functions include, learning, thinking, and perception. Principles of neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics are a form of cognitive…show more content…
Hormones are thought to play a significant role in manipulating behavior and the mental process because they are involved in various mental disorders as a resulting in interacting with the nervous system. In conclusion, much theory and research have been placed on identifying the major schools of psychology and the underlining assumptions linked to biological factors of behavior. In the beginning stages of psychological research, psychology first began as an establishment of science separate from biology and philosophy. Within those complex findings began the debate in relation to the schools of thought and behavior in the human
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