Biological Psychology Essay

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Biological Psychology Worksheet Answer the following questions in short-essay format. Be prepared to discuss your answers. 1. What is biological psychology? According to chapter 1.1 Biopsychology is the scientific study of the biology of behavior. It is referred as the field of psychobiology, behavioral biology, and behavioral neuroscience. It denotes a biological approach of the study of psychology instead of the psychological approach. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, it is the scientific study of every activities or the organism. It is presumed to be underlined as learning, memory, motivation, perception, and emotions. Pinel, John P. (2009) Biopsychology as a Neuroscience. What Is Biopsychology, anyway? (1.1) Pearson Education. It is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain and neurotransmitters influence our behaviors; this includes our thoughts and feelings. It is a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience. There is an interaction with our emotions, our cognitions and other mental processes. It is also related to other areas in the fiend of psychology. There must be an understanding of the biological process including anatomy and physiology. The brain is crutial to understanding the field, the nervous system, and neurotransmitters. 2. What is the historical development of biological psychology? In history the brain was rarely thought of when it came to wisdom and learning. This was according to the human heart being the one associated with those aspects. In example Aristotle believed that the brain was an organ that was used to cool the blood inside of our bodies. For many yeas it was believe that the heart was the organ used for thinking and reasoning. Leonardo Da Vinci was the first to draw out a human brain, around the
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