Coronary Heart Disease Case Study

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Research Aim To determine whether there is a difference between risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease in black South Africans in urban and semi-rural areas. Hypothesis Urban black South Africans will have higher risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease. Introduction Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a disease that is caused by the accumulation of a fatty substance, plaque, in the coronary artery. This process is called atherosclerosis. The coronary arteries supply the heart muscle with blood rich in oxygen. The build-up of plaque narrows the coronary artery and blocks the blood supply to the heart muscle. When the blood flow decreases it causes a chest pain called angina and when the blood flow is completely cut off, it causes a heart attack.11(Ref: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute).The most common risk factors include: smoking, diabetes, hypertension, physical inactivity, obesity and high cholesterol. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the high pressure of blood against artery walls which can lead to serious health conditions such as CHD10 (Ref:Mayo Clinic Staff). Smoking narrows and causes blood clots in the arteries2 (Ref:Beckerman,J).…show more content…
Although CHD is still high in developed countries, it is slowly changing in developing countries due to changes in dietary habits, a decrease in physical exercise, and a higher rate of smoking.4 (Ref: Department of Physiology, University of Cape Town Medical School, Observatory, South Africa). This research topic is of interest to me as I have always been fascinated by the effects of urbanisation on society and on the health conditions of people. The purpose of my research project is therefore aiming to prove that urbanisation has a definite influence on factors that lead to
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