Connective Tissue Explanations

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• Be sure you know the root words and their meanings • Name and describe the three connective tissue layers found in a muscle: These layers allow parts to move on their own and also provide and area for blood vessels and nerves to move through. o Epimysium: The epimysium closely surrounds skeletal muscles. o Perimysium: This connective tissue divides muscle tissue into little segments. o Endomysium: This is a thin covering that houses bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles. • Define: antagonist, synergist, prime mover o Synergist: a muscle that assists the action of a prime mover o Antagonist: A muscle that act in opposition to a prime mover o Prime Mover: muscle primarily responsible for producing an action • List the various ways that muscles are named. Give a specific example for each way. o Location: An example of this would be the obicularis oris, because oris means mouth. o Shape: The trapezius is named because it is similar to the…show more content…
Calcium ions then spread into the synaptic bulb, and Ach is released by vesicles into the synaptic cleft. Na+ ions go into the channels and K+ leaves. Na+ sets up action potential on the sarcolemma, and the muscle fiber is provoked. The action potential travels to the T tubules, and Ca2+ is released into the sarcoplasm. Ca2+ binds to the troponin, which results in a movement in the tropomyosin. The myosin binding sites on the actin are exposed. Power strokes ensue. ATP is changed to ADP and the myosin head binds to actin, which forms a cross bridge. The myosin head stays bound until a new ATP molecule binds to it. The next ATP causes the head to be released from the actin, which results in another power stroke. The stimulus stops. Ach is diffused through the synaptic cleft, CA2+ is transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and tropomyosin shifts to conceal the myosin binding sites. The sarcomeres slide back to their initial
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