Comunication Style Essay

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164 COMMUNICATION STYLES: MANAGING THE RELATIONSHIP PROCESS EXTENDED PRESENTATION OUTLINE The major goal of this chapter is to introduce communication-style bias and examine the implications of this concept for a person in selling. Many sales are lost because effective relationships fail to develop between the salesperson and the customer. Communication Styles – An Introduction to Managing Selling Relationships A. Communication-style bias: – When we have contact with another person whose communication style is different than our own. 1. The most prominent form of bias, experienced by almost all of us from time to time. 2. A state of mind present when two people have difficulty talking to one another. 3. Improving communication-style awareness aids in achieving improved sales productivity. 4. Communication style theory is a practical blend of concepts from the fields of psychology, communication, and sociology. B. Communication— –style principles 1. Individual differences exist and are important. a. Voice patterns are used by customers to judge communications. b. Facial expressions, eye movements, and posture vary from person to person and constitute some of the nonverbal components of our communication style. 2. A communication style is a way of thinking and behaving. a. It’s a preferred way of using abilities. b. A style refers to how someone likes to do something. 3. Individual style differences tend to be stable. a. Our communication style is based on a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. b. Our style is somewhat original at birth but takes on additional individuality in the first three to five years of life. c. By the time we enter elementary school, our communication style is identifiable and remains rather constant throughout life. 4. There are a finite
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