Miss Essay

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Optional Unit 78 1.1 - . Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice. 1.2 - . Define what is meant by restrictive interventions. 1.3 - . Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used. 1.4 - . Explain who needs to be informed of any incidents where restrictive interventions have been used. 1.5 - . Explain why the least restrictive interventions should always be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour. 1.6 - . Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive physical interventions are used. Unit 78.2 - Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies. Assessment Criteria 2.1 - . Explain the difference between proactive and reactive strategies. 2.2 - . Identify the proactive and reactive strategies that are used within own work role. 2.3 - . Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers to challenging behaviour when establishing proactive or reactive strategies to be used. 2.4 - . Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child centred approach when establishing proactive strategies. 2.5 - . Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals. 2.6 - . Evaluate the impact on an individual's well being of using reactive rather than proactive strategies. Unit 78.3 - Be able to promote positive behaviour. Assessment Criteria 3.1 - . Explain how a range of factors may be associated with challenging behaviours. 3.2 - . Evaluate the effectiveness of proactive strategies on mitigating challenging behaviours. 3.3 - . Highlight, praise and support positive aspects of an individual's behaviour in order to reinforce positive behaviour. 3.4 - . Demonstrate how to model to others best practice in promoting positive behaviour. Unit 78.4 - Be able to
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